DEVELOP WITH SCION: Solve Problems, Create Solutions
MORE THAN JUST SOFTWARE: A Catalyst for Change

Lack of routing security solutions
Routing security and reliability products and solutions are critically needed yet absent in the market.

High market entry barrier in network solutions
Entering the connectivity solutions arena is complex due to high technical demands, costs and competitive landscape.

SCION continuous improvement
A wish and commitment to refining and advancing SCION to meet the evolving demands of today’s dynamic landscape.
Start DEVELOPING WITH the SCION open source NOW

DISCOVER the SCION open source code
Start by checking out the SCION open source code, granting you access to the core components necessary for contributing to the development and enhancement of SCION’s capabilities.
EXPLORE the open source documentation
Discover comprehensive guides and resources to help you become familiar with SCION’s architecture and functionality.

Connect with the community
Supported by the NLnet foundation

Open source updates
Frequently asked questions
Where can I find the source code?
Just follow this link:
How can I contribute to the open-source SCION implementation?
Details are provided in the contribution guide that you can find here:
What license is the source code under?
Apache License, Version 2.0.
Who governs the SCION open-source project?
The “Implementation Committee” of the SCION Association is the custodian of the open-source implementation.
How can I easily test SCION?
SCIONLab is a global overlay research and development SCION network. You can join, run your own SCION autonomous systems (ASes), and experiment with the full SCION Stack. See more:
Ready to enhance your network? Contact our experts today to see how SCION can transform your services portfolio.