Register now: SCION Day 2024 on 22 October 2024!


The open-source SCION implementation aims to drive and facilitate the adoption of SCION. It serves as a reference implementation and a common basis for the SCION ecosystem. It is a vendor-independent, low-barrier entry point to SCION, and can serve as an insurance or fallback for SCION adopters.

The SCION Association coordinates and oversees the work on the open-source SCION implementation, and the Association team actively contributes to the software development.

SCION Source Code Documentation

Roadmap 2023/2024

The SCION Association’s Technical Committee Implementation compiled a roadmap document for 2023/2024. The focus for the planned work in this period is to improve operational readiness and deployability of the open-source components.

For more information, refer to the document Open Source SCION Implementation Roadmap 2023/2024.


The SCION open-source developer community collaborates in open chat rooms on Slack and Matrix. The primary SCION chatrooms on Matrix and Slack are bridged, so feel free to join on your preferred platform.

The SCION open-source contributors coordinaton call takes place fortnightly and is open for anyone to join. Details can be found in the public event calendar.

TC Implementation

The open-source implementation is goverened by the Technical Committee Implementation. For more information, see the Charter of the Technical Committee Implementation.

TC members

Jean-Christophe Hugly

SCION Association

Marc Frei

ETH Zurich

Dominik Roos


Lukas Vogel


François Wirz

ETH Zurich

Matthias Frei

SCION Association